Happy Father's Day Abah... but Abah has to celebrate it at hospital.. 'Ibu, kesian Abah...' that is statement from Aish. He started having fever on Monday but he went to the clinic on Wednesday. On Thursday, he's fever getting worst. We thought that he was having dengue fever. My MIL cooked him crab soup.
On Friday, I decided to bring Abah to DEMC to checked his blood. I still remember the MO's face when he checked his throat. His throat must be so bad with that MO's face. The MO told us that he has to admit to the hospital. Since DEMC wasn't included in his insurance panel's hospital PruBSN Takaful, we decided to go to KPJ Selangor Specialist at Section 20, Shah Alam. His fever was not because of dengue but because of his tonsil. He was under supervision of ENT Surgeon.
Today is the 3rd days Abah admitted to hospital and his fever is not getting better. Maybe he should go through operation, well I don't know.
Anyway, Happy Father's Day again...We at home always pray for your health...